We’re building new power infrastructure in the Lanigan/Melfort region. This will reinforce the power system and provide reliable power for our customers in the area.
We’re building:
- A new switching station in the Lanigan area
- A new 230-kilovolt (kV) power line to connect the new switching station to our Beatty Switching Station near Melfort. The line will also connect to our existing substation in Humboldt
This project will cost about $134 million. It’s partially funded by the Governments of Canada and Saskatchewan through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program – Green Stream.

Our Progress So Far
During this project, we’re working with First Nations and Metis communities, local municipalities, and landowners to collect feedback. We’ll use this feedback to develop and refine the best overall routes for the new power lines, and to understand how we can reduce potential impacts.
We’re exploring possible routes for the new power line. We’ll also need to secure land for the new switching station, as well as easements for a new 40-metre right-of-way for the new power line.
We expect this project to be completed and in service by spring of 2028.
What to Expect
We’ll be holding meetings with landowners and other stakeholders in winter of 2024.
Respecting the Local Environment
What we do today impacts our future. We’re always working hard to reduce our impact and protect the environment.
As we plan projects, we use tools like databases, satellite imagery and field surveys to understand the environment we are working in.
As projects move forward, we’ll make sure environmental protection standards are in place to reduce our impact on features like:
- waterbodies
- sensitive lands
- wildlife and their habitats
- heritage resources
We also work with the Ministry of Environment and other regulatory agencies to ensure we meet all environmental requirements.
Project Benefits
We’re continuing to modernize and expand our power grid to meet current and future power needs. The new power line and switching station will help reinforce the power grid infrastructure in east central Saskatchewan.