1. Why provide information about Electric Vehicles (EVs)?
Interest in EVs is growing globally, and also within Saskatchewan. As EV adoption increases in our province, they’ll significantly impact our power grid. We need to ensure that our grid is ready for a future of more EVs on the road than ever before. We’d also like to provide information that will help you make informed decisions about EVs.
2. Why we’re investing in EVs
We know that our customers and employees are interested in learning more about EVs. We currently own 3 Hyundai Ioniq EVs and are continuously looking for ways to support the technology. This includes identifying opportunities for public and private EV charging stations at various SaskPower buildings.
Since owning the 3 Hyundai Ioniq EVs, we’ve learnt:
- EVs are less expensive to operate and maintain.
- Our employee’s have been very happy with the vehicles.
- There have been some challenges including the limited availability of Level 2 and Level 3 Fast Charging Stations in the province.
- There are some limitations on range in the winter months.
We’ve also partnered with GeoTab to conduct the first-ever study on EV use and charging habits in Saskatchewan. This study is now complete.
We’re also working with the University of Regina to conduct research on EV charging. All of this will allow us to learn more about the impact of EVs on our power grid as we plan for the future.
3. How do I calculate how much it costs to charge an EV at home?
You can calculate the average cost of charging an EV by checking out the CAA Cost Calculator.
Find out how much it could be to charge your EV at home by calculating the cost.
4. How far can an EV travel on one charge?
It depends! The average driving range of an EV is about 200 to 500+ km. However, other factors to consider are the EV’s model, battery and weather.
Every EV model has a different driving range. If an EV states it has 500 km of range, it shouldn’t be driven to a 0 charge. If you do, it will damage the battery cells. Just like a gasoline-powered vehicle — you don’t want to drive on empty!
Driving an EV on a cold Saskatchewan winter day also decreases the range of the battery by up to 50%.
5. What is the lifespan of an EV battery?
An EV battery can typically last 10 to 20 years. However, most manufacturers provide an 8-to-10-year warranty. This is because over time, the battery degrades.
Once the EV battery reaches its end of life, it’s recycled. There are also environmental, economic and social challenges associated with the manufacturing and recycling of EV batteries. As EV demand grows, manufacturers are identifying more efficient ways to produce and recycle batteries.
6. Will an EV increase my power bill?
Yes. While power costs less than gasoline fuel, you’ll notice an increase in your power bill. An EV could add around $20 to $40 to your bill each month, depending on how much you drive.
Calculate and compare costs of an EV to a gasoline vehicle.
7. How much does an EV cost?
Use these resources we trust to view current EV prices: