Saving Money with our Energy Assistance Program
March 03, 2022

Nobody likes high utility bills because they can be stressful and unexpected. The best way to tackle high power bills is to look for ways to make energy efficient upgrades to your home. Upgrades like these can be costly. That’s why we’ve created the Energy Assistance Program. This program helps lower-income customers make energy efficient upgrades at no cost to them.
We recently touched base with Chris Tessmer from Regina, a customer who has participated in the program, to share his experience.
1. Tell us a little about yourself and why you signed up?
I have lived in Regina my whole life. For most of the last 20 years I’ve worked in the entertainment industry, including the past few years as a self-employed Production Manager. The pandemic hit the entertainment industry hard back in March 2020. It left me looking for ways I could stretch my dollars as much as possible. When I saw the program advertised through a Facebook ad, I thought it would be a good way to save money on my power bill. I also liked the environmental benefits that are a by-product of conservation.
2. Can you describe how the walk-through audit with the Energy Advisor worked?
The Energy Advisor provided me with lots of great tips. It was incredibly interesting and easy, and it took no time in the grand scheme of things. There are so many small ways to save and they’re all right under our noses! It took someone like the Energy Advisor to point them out to me. The cool thing about working with him was that you could tell he was really passionate about what he does. He had so many great ideas on how I could save power and it got me excited thinking about the things I could do.
3. What recommendations did the Energy Advisor make for your home?
The Energy Advisor walked around my house and took note of my appliances and other electronics I had in my home and provided saving tips along the way. I thought I had replaced most of my bulbs with LEDs, but he still found 12 bulbs that needed replacing and he did that for free.
At the end he gave me a summary and was able to let me know that I qualified for a smart thermostat upgrade. I have since had the thermostat installed and it’s great! I work odd hours so I love the ability to now schedule when I’ll be home so I can reduce the temperature when I’m away. If my schedule suddenly changes, I can go on my app and have the house warmed up when I arrive.
4. Were you surprised by any of the recommendations?
I was surprised that unless you make a point of going through your house and actively look for ways you can save energy (and money), it’s so easy to miss opportunities. If you add something like a power bar, a drying rack, a low-flow shower head, and some small behaviour changes, they can really start to add up. The process was eye opening to me and it was great to have this specialist come into my home and provide this all to me for free!
5. What would you say to someone who is debating whether to take part?
Leap in with both feet! There’s zero risk to you. You get an ambassador who’s passionate and will help share meaningful ways you can reduce your consumption. And you get the products and tools you need to start saving immediately. It’s a great program that more people should take advantage of because it's 100% benefit and at zero cost.
This program is offered in partnership with the Government of Canada, the City of Saskatoon and the City of Swift Current Light and Power.